505-764-3731 [email protected]

MorningStar Senior Living of Albuquerque

MorningStar Senior Living of Albuquerque


MorningStar Senior Living of Albuquerque

8051 Palomas Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109 | map | directions
Connect With Us
It’s in the air. You can feel it. You can see it with your own eyes every day at MorningStar Senior Living: our staff flat out loving our residents, loving them like they do their own moms and dads. Such genuine affection flows out of a core belief at MorningStar Senior Living, for we see our residents as heroes—men and women who have exacted out of life all its triumphs and trials, who in raw courage and tenacity have invested their days. And now, it is our pleasure and privilege to invest in them. MorningStar’s distinction among other senior living options begins with our mission statement: to honor, to serve, to invest. We’re intentional about populating our speech with these key motivators: to love from a deep place, to serve rather than be served, and to invest in that which matters most. Conversely, there are words we avoid, terms associated with bygone decades where senior living choices were limited to institutional facilities, cold and clinical: “old folks home,” “rest home,” “nursing home”—most of them a far cry from a true home. Welcome to a bright new day: MorningStar Senior Living. In contrast to other senior assisted living facilities, MorningStar’s exceptional architecture and award-winning design, with amenities like salons, spa baths, theaters and libraries, are celebrated features under our roof. These and other graciously-appointed spaces are extensions of your private suite, spiffed and ready to receive callers. In MorningStar homes that also boast an independent living neighborhood, we offer swimming pools and wine bars, dance floors and baseball teams. Yet the prevailing feature under our roof, the one we’re most proud of, is community, built one loving relationship at a time. By this do we offer the very best in senior assisted living, memory care and respite care. Our entire staff is energized in filling our senior living homes with ways to be better, together. Even for respite care residents (here for a short recuperative stay), there is always something astir. And for the most tender among us, memory care residents, each day presents opportunity to stimulate the brain and find moments of spontaneous joy. You, the adult children of our residents, are such an important part of the MorningStar family too. We want you to consider this your home away from home. So come on in, and stay a while. At MorningStar Senior Living.
Member Since: 2015

Pro Business. Pro New Mexico.